binary_field_level_48.gifI/O position


Addressing I/O

Allowed I/O types vs. selected I/O type

Additional values

Import I/O addresses



In this window, all the I/O modules of the current project are available and can be divided over the I/O units. This can be done manually or automatically.

By drag drop an I/O from the detail window 'Project I/O' on an I/O position in the main window (multiple select is possible) it is possible to add I/O manually.

I/O modules can only be linked to an I/O channel if the I/O type and I/O signal type from the module is allowed in the I/O channel.


Divide I/O

In the same detail window, a 'Divide I/O' button is available. When clicking this button, Typical Manager will divide all the project I/O automatically on the available I/O units. If insufficient I/O units are available, a message will be shown and the automatic dividing will not be processed.


If you want to change the position of an already placed I/O module, you can just drag and drop the I/O module on another position or another I/O unit. Multiple select is possible.

Dependent of which panel you choose in detail window 'Panel', the I/O units connected to that panel are showed in the main window and the project I/O connected to that panel is showed in detail window 'Project I/O'.


It is possible to lock the I/O modules which are already placed. This means that the locked I/O module can not be deleted or overwritten by other I/O modules. You can do this by selecting one or more I/O modules, clicking the right mouse button and click Lock.




Different Icons in the I/O position tree have different meanings:

: An I/O channel is unassigned

: An I/O is assigned to the channel but is a spare I/O

: An I/O is assigned.


See also:

I/O spare

I/O Priority

Addressing I/O

After dividing all the project I/O, the I/O can be addressed. This can be done automatically or manually one by one. It is also possible to import the I/O addresses ('Import/Export' button).


Address automatically

For automatically address all the I/O, you must select a CPU (usually at the begin of a rack) to address all I/O on all units or just one I/O unit to only address the I/O on that unit. With the button 'Address' a pop-up window shall appear. Here you can choose an I/O format and optionally you can fill in the start addresses. If you have selected a CPU, the start addresses are already filled in from the library.




Clicking OK will start the addressing.



1. Only fully configured I/O formats are shown in the drop down list. I/O formats can be configured in Library >> I/O >> I/O format.

2. For addressing I/O types are used.


If you automatically address the I/O in the picture above, you get the following result:



For this situation, we have used the following I/O format:



See also:

Importing/Exporting data

I/O unit

I/O format

Allowed vs. Preference vs. Selected I/O types and I/O signal types

In the library multiple "allowed" and "preference" I/O types and I/O signal types can be selected per I/O channel. This is shown as:


On the first unit the first channel has a preference configuration applied. The I/O type and signal type are in italic, which means it is not selected by the users, only the configuration set as a preference are shown, and only the preference configuration will be used when dividing I/O (manual or automatic).

On the second unit, the first channel has an allowed configuration applied. Here as well, the  I/O type and signal type are in italic, and all configuration that are allowed will be used when dividing I/O (manual or automatic).


A definite I/O type and signal type can be selected manually. There are two options for selecting it. The first option is by selecting the correct items via the dropdown menu's. The second option is by selecting (multiple) channels, right-clicking and selecting 'Select I/O (signal) type'. This can also be used to set the I/O (signal) type configuration for multiple I/O Channels.



  1. When an I/O module is assigned, the I/O type or I/O signal type can not be changed.
  2. If the I/O module is removed, the I/O type and I/O signal types as determined will stay selected. After this, the I/O type can be deleted which will result in the default library configuration. I/O types can be removed either by clicking the cross at the right of the cell, or by selecting one or more I/O channels and selecting "Clear I/O (signal) type". this will clear the I/O types and I/O signal types of all the selected I/O channels and reset "To preference" or to "All allowed"
  3. If the I/O modules are assigned manually by dragging it to the channels, the I/O can only be assigned if the type and signal type is in the allowed types and signal types of the channel. If the I/O modules are assigned automatically, the type and signal type of the module must match the chosen type and signal type on the channel. For example:
  4. If there is no module assigned, the type and signal type can be deleted.
  5. If only one type or signal type is allowed. That type is selected, and can not be changed or deleted on that channel.

Additional values and terminal

It is possible to add a terminal and additional values to I/O types and I/O signal types that are linked to an I/O Unit or I/O CPU. Additional values can be used in various situations to store additional data per I/O channel. Examples of additional values:


Per channel, per I/O type per I/O signal type on an I/O unit, 10 additional value fields are available. The additional values are also available as System variables.



Import I/O addresses

It is possible to import I/O addresses through an Excel file.


To import I/O addresses:


As seen in the image above, the I/O Position tree is converted to a table that can be exported to an Excel file. Using the Import/Export functionality, it is possible to import the following data:



I/O symbolic and I/O text can only be imported if an I/O is assigned to the I/O Channel, as these values are set in the I/O Module.


See also:

Importing/Exporting data