I/O unit


Create a unit

Add I/O channels to an unit

Remove an I/O channel from an unit

Change I/O types on an I/O channel

Additional values

Copy a unit

Delete a unit


In this window you can create I/O units. Typical Manager has three kinds of I/O units:

I/O units:     Input/Output cards.

I/O CPU’s:   I/O card with a processor. A CPU may contain inputs and outputs.

I/O utilities: I/O utilities are I/O units that can be mounted on an I/O station. I/O utilities do not contain any inputs or outputs. (e.g. a power supply)


On I/O units and I/O CPU's, I/O channels can be created where the allowed I/O types and signal types can be selected..

All units can contain a Product. You can drag and drop Products from detail window 'Library'.


Examples of I/O units are:


An I/O unit or CPU can contain 1 or more I/O channels, for example:


A couple of I/O units are shown in the picture below:



In case of a CPU, a start address can be defined. This start address is used for automatic I/O address numbering in the I/O position window (project).




  1. Product with sub products can not be used on I/O unit/stations inside the library and inside the project.


See also:


I/O position

Create a unit

In case the new unit is an I/O unit or I/O CPU, a plus sign will appear left of the units’ name.


See also:

I/O format

Add I/O channels to a unit (I/O unit and I/O CPU only)



1. An I/O channel cannot be added to an unit which is in use.

Remove an I/O channel from a unit (I/O unit and I/O CPU only)



1. An I/O channel cannot be removed from a unit which is in use.



Change I/O types and I/O signal type on an I/O channel

Per I/O channel possible/allowed I/O types and I/O signal types can be selected.



If a unit technically can handle multiple signal types, it can be configured.

If a channel has multiple I/O types or I/O signal types selected, the in project assigned product will determine the final type.



1. One I/O type per channel is always required.

2. An I/O unit in use (status locked) can not be deleted.

3. if any of the I/O channel selected is different, the pop up will open empty, the 'final configuration' will be set to all of the selected channels.

4. When an I/O type is determined manually or by assigning a product in a project. Additional values of that I/O type will be set inside the additional values of the project unit. Existing values will be overwritten.

Additional values, terminal and preference I/O (I/O unit and I/O CPU only)

It is possible to add additional values to each combination of I/O type and signal type per I/O channel that are linked to an I/O Unit or an I/O CPU. Additional values can be used in various situations to store additional data per channel, per type.

Examples of additional values:


Per I/O configuration 1 terminal and 10 additional value fields are available. The additional values are also available as System variables.


It is also possible to select one or more configurations as preference configurations. While automatically assign I/O in a project it will only check for preference configurations when no I/O type and/or signal type is selected on the channel. By default the preference is selected on every configuration.





Copy a unit

Instead of creating a new I/O unit from scratch, an existing I/O unit can also be copied.


See also:

I/O format

Delete a unit



1. An I/O unit in use (status locked) can not be deleted.