

Here you can set some options for several parts of Typical Manager.




Company standard



Here you can change user interface settings like:




In this stage the identification of the variables of the logical/scada typicals/templates can be configured, for each type of software. e.g. Siemens or Rockwell.

These are called plug-ins, and each plug-in can have different identification tags for variables, have different template expression (used for generating to different files) and have different allowed file extensions.

The plug-in is also used to import typicals (for that plug-in) and generation of the software files.


When Typical manager is first started 5 default plug-ins are created for logical and scada. These plug-ins can be changed or deleted if required.




The name of the plugin, used within typical manager to identify different typicals and generate logical and scada software. The name can be changed but requires not to be empty, and have a unique name.



Here you have to fill in the start- and end element of typical variables, Insert points and Section starts in a logical/scada typical.



It is also possible (optional) to enter a File Expression, this expression is used during software generation.

If left empty a default file format is used.


In the template expression the following fields can be used:




Description of the location (level) on which the template is placed


Name of the location (level) on which the template is placed


Path of the different level names the template is placed on, ('\' is inserted between level names)


Path of the different level sequence numbers the template is placed on, ('\' is inserted between levels)


Description of the template being generated


Name of the template being generated


Sequence number of the template being generated


Template type of the template being generated


The above settings are used during software generation.



Here you can fill in file extensions. These file extensions are used at the import of logical/scada typicals. You only can import typical files with extensions which are defined here. Per plug-in you can fill in the extensions you want to use. The extensions must be separated with a ; .


New or Copy

It is possible to create or copy plug-ins to create custom plug-ins. which can be used to distinct different typicals. A new or copied plug-in requires a unique name.

A new plug-in have some default values.



It is possible to delete a plug-in, this is also possible for the default generated plug-ins. A plug-in cannot be deleted if any typical within Typical Manger uses the plug-in.


See also:

Logical typical

Scada typical

Logical location

Scada location

Company Standard


Here you have to fill in the directory where your electrical typical images are stored (with .dxf as extension). If you don't fill in a directory, the file viewer will not show your electrical typicals.

This works the same for AutoCAD. Except that AutoCAD has two directories:

1. Typical image directory - Directory is used for searching dxf files to show typicals inside the fileviewer;

2. Typical directory - Directory is used for generating/synchronizing typicals on to AutoCAD drawings;



Here you have to fill in the directory where your document typicals are stored. If you don't fill in a directory, the file viewer will not show your document typicals.



Here you have to fill in an Excel template file for creating Excel Reports. This template is also used for exporting data in the Electrical Location and I/O position window. You can find an Excel template in your installation folder like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Yellax\Typical Manager\Reports



Here you can set your article settings. Choose for local article storage where articles are stored in the Typical Manager database, or choose Article Manager as the source to use Article Manager to achieve better and easier article management.

Check Article Manager to see how



1. Logical/SCADA typicals are stored in the database, so you don't have to fill in a typical directory for those typicals.