Scada typical


Import a scada typical

Delete a scada typical

Update a scada typical

Example scada typical


With the scada add-on you can generate Scada code, which automatically is filled with project specific information. This window is used to import scada typicals. Scada typicals are small pieces of Scada code (*.txt or *.awl files for an example) which can contain variables. Variables are placed between a begin- and end tag. You can set the begin- and end tag in System -> Options -> System -> Plug-in SCADA to your needs. This is important before importing your typicals. A file viewer is available which will show you the selected typical.


See also:

Scada module

Scada template type

Default value typical variable

Import a scada typical




1. You can define which file extensions you want to import in System - Options.

Delete a scada typical



1. A typical in use cannot be deleted.

Update a scada typical

In case a typical should be updated or overwritten:


The typical is updated now. It is also possible to update more typicals at once with the Import button.


Example scada typical


For an example how to used scada typicals, please take a look at the example for logical typicals. The working of scada typicals, and how to use them, is exactly the same as logical typicals.