Logical template


Create a new logical template

Copy a logical template

Delete a logical template

Add an item to a logical template

Remove an item from a logical template

Description panel

Example logical template


In this window you can define logical templates. Templates are needed to collect typicals. Logical templates are, in combination with logical template types, needed for generating PLC code.

A logical template can contain one logical typical. Additionally it can contain attributes and a value set. You can add a typical, attributes and a value set to the template by drag and drop from detail window 'Library'. If the typical of the logical template (also called 'template typical) contains variables, the connection between de typical variables and Typical Manager attributes will be established here. If you add a typical to the template, and the variables of the typical are available as attributes in Typical Manager, the attributes will be automatically added to the logical template. Per template the variable status is available in detail window 'Variable status'. The variable status is only needed if your template typical contains variables. Also a file viewer is available. You can export the list of logical templates to Excel by clicking Export excel.



See also:

Logical typical

Logical template type

Logical location format

Logical location

Changing attribute expressions

Create a new logical template

Copy a logical template

Instead of creating a new logical template from scratch, an existing logical template can also be copied.

Delete a logical template



1. A template in use can not be deleted (logical location format or logical location in project).

Add an item to a logical template

(Attributes, logical typical, value set)



1. In case multiple items are dragged to a logical template and one or more of these items are already present in the template, the drag action can not be completed.

2. A logical template can only contain one logical typical


Attribute - Read only

Attributes can be put into read only mode, this disables the ability to change the attribute value.

Remove an item from a logical template

(Attributes, logical typical, value set)

Description panel

Example logical template

In this case, we created a template called 'PLC Code' and we added typical '00_T_DbCmMod to it.