Hardware product


Sync variant and options


Typical Manager has a separate view for project products that are created if a I/O station or I/O unit with a product is linked to a Panel. This view we call 'Hardware product'.


In this view the products of the I/O station or I/O unit, can be managed in the Product configuration.

The product configurator works the same as in the Project structure view.


In Typical Manager the structure id's are used to specify the location of the function. The structure id of hardware products does always automatically start with 'Hardware products', so that those can be grouped separate from other project products.


See also:

Hardware configuration

Sync variant and options

It is possible to receive the library configuration of the selected variant and options of a product. So, if a product is defined with a variant and some options and the configuration of these variant and options are changed in the library, the configuration of the product can be updated with a right click and Sync variant and options. The selected product will receive and set the configuration of the variant and options from the library. Multiple selection of product is possible.


See also:

Sync variant en options