

Add a new language

Activate a language

Delete a language


The language screen enables a user to define library languages and to activate a language.

A library language contains local translations of several items that can be defined in the library.


The screen lists the available languages and its status. The 'active' column indicates which language is currently used in the library screens. The 'complete' column indicates whether a translation is given in that language for each library item.


It is important only to use complete languages. If an incomplete language used in the library or a project, certain objects could appear nameless because no valid translation is available.

Add a new language


A new language has been added to the list.

Activate a language


Another language has been activated.

Delete a language


The selected language has been deleted.

A language cannot be deleted if it is the active library language or if it is set as the current project language.


See also: Project >> Project >> Projects